The Time is Now!

 Opinions regarding Facebook’s new Timeline feature have been widely divisive, but like it or not- it is here to stay, and automatic changeovers from the old profile setup to the new are taking place en masse. We’ve already discussed how Facebook can be beneficial for your business, and since this is the new Facebook, it’s best to learn to work with it, rather than resist the change. I am personally very excited about Timeline, as it has some GREAT benefits for individual, small, and large businesses alike.

One of the biggest benefits of Timeline is the potential for branding. There are new opportunities to make the page yours, both in graphics, and content. The cover photo allows a great deal of creative freedom, and the content you post is still limited only by your imagination. The key here is consistency- when using Facebook, be careful about the image you’re projecting. You’ll want to be sure that the image your business is projecting on Facebook is in line with the branding you’ve established through other marketing venues.

Another important feature- it is now possible to weight the importance of a post and “stick” it to the top of your feed. Gone are the days of having to re-post content because people posted content over top of yours. If you like to post special promotions on your Facebook page, this is big news for you!

The best advice we can give to Timeline beginners is to dive in and have fun with it! Start by entering the “Founded on” date which you began your business, and post a picture of the opening. A ribbon cutting, shaking hands with your first customer, a photo of grandpa in his truck… anything that shows the character of your business. Then work forward to today- Facebook builds your company’s brand through personality. If you are a family-owned construction company where Dad personally stops by every job, what better way to build that image then with posts and pictures the show it? If you’re a dentist that hinges your reputation on customer service, then be sure to convey that through your posts and promotions. If you are a “Green” company, accentuate your use of green resources, and ask others to join the cause, perhaps challenge them to utilize green initiatives!

For more information on:

  • Setting up Milestones and how to use them.
  • Highlighting and Pinning
  • Maximizing the effectiveness of the “About” section

Please click: is the official Facebook site for the Timeline transition and offers great examples of companies who have transitioned from the old to new profiles well.

-Paul Owens, Account Manager

(Image Courtesy of Mashable)